Shop Locally in Maple Grove on Small Business

Shop Locally in Maple Grove on Small Business

Small Business Saturday is on Nov. 24 this year, two days after Thanksgiving. It is a day for everyone to support the small businesses that their community thrives on.

American Express founded the day in 2010 to help small businesses get exposure during the holiday season, when they might be otherwise overlooked. With retailers buzzing around the holidays, it is important to support local small businesses that rely on their neighbors in order to continue prospering and building the local economy in Maple Grove.

"If you shop locally, you are not only saving high-priced gas, you are helping all of the people in YOUR community. From the property taxes paid by the store owner to the wages paid to the workers in the stores, the money stays in, and benefits, the local community," Arbor Lakes Business Association Executive Director Nancy Whitelaw wrote in an email to Patch.
Last year, 100 million people nationwide participated in Small Business Saturday by shopping at locally owned stores to help boost the economy and their communities.

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