Elderberry Syrup

type='html'>With the 2012 drought, many of our wild edibles and medicinals have had a hard year of it.  Some came ready early, s...
Label : Elderberry, Syrup
Wednesday, September 12, 2012 | Gudeal | Beri Komentar

Eggs and Egg Shells

type='html'>       I wrote this a while back and decided to post it to this blog.    Chickens are a natural part of many homes...
Label : Shells
| Gudeal | Beri Komentar

I'll be gone for a while...

type='html'>   Natural Cordage   I'm getting ready to lead a group of ladies out on an "Art of Nothing" Women and ...
Label : while...
| Gudeal | Beri Komentar

Milking the Cow

type='html'>     “All the good ideas I ever had came to me while I was milking a cow”                                           ...
Label : Milking
Monday, September 10, 2012 | Gudeal | Beri Komentar

American Hazelnut

type='html'> When gathering wild hazelnuts, it is always a race to see who gets to them first.  Deer, wild turkeys, bear and squ...
Label : American, Hazelnut
| Gudeal | Beri Komentar

Last Night's Storms and Intuition

type='html'>So yesterday started off as kinda a boring day.  I still have tons of data that has to be gone over and put into ord...
Label : Intuition, Night's, Storms
Thursday, September 6, 2012 | Gudeal | Beri Komentar
A Witch in the Wilds

A Witch in the Wilds

type='html'>I have tried doing the Internet communication many times in the past.  I've tried blogging, I've tried Faceb...
Label : Wilds, Witch
Tuesday, September 4, 2012 | Gudeal | Beri Komentar

Roasted Tomato Sauce

type='html'> The tomatoes are starting to come in fast and furious from the garden.  We are in full swing of the chaos energy of...
Label : Roasted, Sauce, Tomato
| Gudeal | Beri Komentar

The Elegant Stinkhorn

type='html'> While gathering tomatoes from the garden I found these little gems hiding out in the mulch at the edge of the garde...
Label : Elegant, Stinkhorn
| Gudeal | Beri Komentar

Walking Home From the Fishing Hole

type='html'>  Usually the first thing I do in the morning is get out and milk the cow(s) (depends on how many freshened cows I...
Label : Fishing, Walking
| Gudeal | Beri Komentar


type='html'> Most people when they think of pickles they think of cucumbers.  The problem is they are missing out of so many oth...
Label : Dillies
| Gudeal | Beri Komentar